Thursday, February 16, 2012

Working Small - In Progress

About 6 months ago when I started this series of people with patterns I thought I would do a few smaller versions for the artwalk, and just for a break from doing all those larger month long paintings.  I wanted to do a few that I could work on while I was watching TV and sitting at a drawing table.  I stand when I paint and the idea of sitting seemed nice. I do have bad legs after all.

When I first sketched these out I was really unhappy with the shapes.  I'm not sure if they are weaker designs or if I was just used to the larger/longer bodies on the 50 inch paintings.  I was thinking that maybe I should have just drawn torso up rather than adding legs and feet.

With artwalk coming up and my working area covered with large drying paintings,  I pulled these out of storage and went beck into them.  First painting over the smaller floral prints I had started with, then doing a breakdown of the other areas with geometrics and add-ons.

It actually has been nice because the old failed under-painting is adding some nice texture and the process is going much faster then I thought.

These images are 16x20 inches.  They still need all detailing in the flowers and most values bumped.  I'm waiting 2 days for them to dry before I go back into them.  More to come as I finalize them.

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